Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Comprehensive Molecular Insect Science

The Library is delighted to announce that Comprehensive Molecular Insect Science is now accessible online via Elsevier's Science Direct platform.

Comprehensive Molecular Insect Science
reviews the literature and research across all aspects of the field, with an emphasis on new technologies since 1985. The volumes focus on reproduction, development, endocrinology, biochemistry, molecular biology, pharmacology and insect control. Online features include extensive browsing, searching, and internal cross-referencing between articles in the work, plus dynamic linking to journal articles and abstract databases, making navigation flexible and easy.

Other reference titles are listed on our
Biological Science, Ag/Hort and Veterinary Reference Resource pages.

Also - feel free check out our other online reference sources from
Elsevier and Wiley

Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science

The Library is delighted to announce that the Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science is now accessible online via Elsevier's Science Direct platform.

Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science offers 360 articles in 2,600 pages by experts in the field. This branch of the Earth sciences links ancient prehistory to modern environments as these sediments contain the fossil remains of existing species of flora and fauna, and their immediate predecessors. Quaternary science plays an integral part in such important issues for modern society as groundwater resources and contamination, sea level change, geologic hazards (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis), soil erosion, plus much more.

Other Earth Science reference titles are listed on our Reference Resources page.

Also - feel free check out our other encyclopedias from
Elsevier and Wiley

Monday, December 17, 2007

Indexes and abstracts, Part 2

Just to clear up any confusion, the list of indexes and abstracts we're wanting to remove only refers to the print copies. I included the database title in parentheses as a useful reminder of where the index could now be found, but have since had a couple of worried e-mails. Rest assured that those databases are completely safe! My apologies for any distress, and thank you to those who have given me feedback.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

New Titles on FoodNetBase

New titles for November/December on FoodNetBase:
  • CRC Master Keyword Guide for Food - 21 CFR Regulations of the Food and Drug Administration
    Although easily available and searchable on-line, the CFR 21 is a vast document covering a wide range of subjects but contains no index. This online guide is modeled after The CRC Master Keyword Guide: 21 CFR Regulations of the Food and Drug Administration, the most convenient and often-used aid available for finding all references to FDA and DEA regulations. Each of the more than 20,000 entries is quoted in context to provide instant access to every noun, phrase, and concept.

  • Dairy Science and Technology (Second Edition)
    Building upon the scope of its predecessor, Dairy Science and Technology (second edition) offers the latest information on the efficient transformation of milk into high-quality products. It focuses on the principles of physical, chemical, enzymatic, and microbial transformations. This book provides a thorough understanding of milk's composition and properties and the changes that occur in milk and its products during processing and storage.

  • Dictionary of Food Compounds - Additives, Flavors, and Ingredients
    Provides comprehensive information on 30,000 compounds found in food.

  • Food Plant Engineering Systems
    Pumps. Boilers. Power transmission. Water treatment. Waste disposal. Efficient lighting. Maintain them, and you'll experience optimal performance. Ignore them, and the system will collapse. While many texts adequately describe the processing lines used in food manufacturing, none address the importance of the ancillary equipment that allows the plant to operate. Food Plant Engineering Systems fills this gap by focusing on these crucial but frequently forgotten parts of the system. Getting all the units to work together as a well-orchestrated system is what manufacturing design and management are all about. This book provides the first truly comprehensive look at food plant operation.

  • Handbook of Waste Management and Co-Product Recovery in Food Processing - Volume 1
    With its distinguished editor and army of international contributors, Waste Management and Co-Product Recovery in Food Processing reviews the latest developments in this area. The book introduces the field, focusing on legislation and consumer interests, the principle drivers of waste management. It addresses the minimization of biowaste and the optimization of water and energy use. The book goes on to discuss key technologies for co-product separation and recovery and important issues to consider when recovering co-products. It offers examples of waste management and co-product exploitation and explores advanced techniques and state of the art technologies.

  • Natural Extracts Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
    Synthesizing research from a wide variety of sources, this work offers a convenient guide to a clean, safe, inexpensive, non-toxic, non-polluting solvent that performs better than most conventional solvents. Natural Extracts Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide reviews recent development in the technology and its applications to the food, flavor, fragrance, and pharmaceutical industries. It outlines the many advantages the method has over traditional methods like steam distillation, solvent extraction, and molecular distillation and it supports the popular trend toward the use of natural products in these industries.

  • Novel Food Ingredients for Weight Control
    Obesity has risen at an epidemic rate in recent years and is predicted to become a leading preventable cause of death in many countries in the near future. This important collection, edited by a leader in the field, provides food industry professionals with essential information about particular ingredients that are effective in weight control, their production, use in functional foods and ability to play a role in weight regulation. The book examines satiety extension, cravings and obesity, glycemic control, insulin resistance, and food ingredients that may cause obesity. It highlights using ingredients from grain, fruit, and vegetables for weight control, the role of calcium, and the importance of trans-fat free oils.

  • Trace Elements and Free Radicals in Oxidative Diseases
    The proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, which attempted to review the participation of trace elements in the development of oxidative diseases.

  • Unit Operations in Food Engineering
    In order to successfully produce food products with maximum quality, each stage of processing must be well-designed. Unit Operations in Food Engineering systematically presents the basic information necessary to design food processes and the equipment needed to carry them out. It covers the most common food engineering unit operations in detail, including guidance for carrying out specific design calculations. Initial chapters present transport phenomena basics for momentum, mass, and energy transfer in different unit operations. Later chapters present detailed unit operation descriptions based on fluid transport and heat and mass transfer. Every chapter concludes with a series of solved problems as examples of applied theory.

Monday, December 10, 2007

W(h)ither print indexes and abstracts?

We have a lot of indexes and abstracts in the Library; now rarely used due to the rise of electronic databases. These range from the majestic Chemical Abstracts (127 shelves worth) to the more specialised Zinc in Agriculture (1 box). Many we no longer subscribe to, and for some our holdings are completely duplicated online. This being the case, we would like to make our reference collection on Level 2 much more workable by removing most of the indexes/abstracts to stack. Those that we do still recieve, we would keep the most recent 10 years in the reference collection.

We are also considering removing from the collection completely some of the abstracts that are online. These are:

Before we do this however, we do want to know if the removal of the print versions would be a serious disadvantage for academic staff. Please let me know your thoughts, either by commenting on this post, or by e-mailing me at

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Christmas Goodies: New Titles Coming In 2008

The Library is delighted to be offering from 2008 the following new science titles: In the meantime . . . . . . check out our top encyclopedias from Elsevier and Wiley

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Monday, November 19, 2007

Science Magazine Online!

In recent years Massey Library has most notably fallen short in its quest for "perfection on a budget" by not having an electronic subscription to Science magazine. We are delighted to announce that this situation has been rectified and that from the beginning of 2008 full access to Science through the publisher's website will be available.

Science is published weekly and is consistently the most highly ranked general scientific journal. Although there are still a few significant journals to which we don't subscribe this is a major addition to a collection that already includes most or all of the titles from such major publishers as Elsevier, Blackwell and Wiley.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Library Instruction Available for 2008

Group Instruction

The Science Librarians are able to run courses tailored to specific papers, postgrads, staff or other groups on demand. Now is the time to start booking in these for 2008. The content of the courses can be varied to meet the particular requirements of each group, but can include things like:
  • locating library resources
  • find journals (online and print)
  • doing a literature review
  • advanced searching skills
  • referencing with Endnote
  • and more
To arrange a session, please contact your Science Librarian:

Individual Instruction

As well as group instruction, we are also able to offer one-on-one research consultations. These can be requested online at:

The Library also has other helpful resources:

Thursday, November 01, 2007

RSS Feeds - Information to Your Desktop

A while back we told you about how to use "RSS Feed" technology to bring the Library's list of new book titles in your area of the sciences directly to your computer. The list of these feeds in the sciences can be found in the right hand panel of this blog Science News from Massey Library. An RSS feed is often indicated by the use of the distinctive orange icon.

A feed link needs to go to some sort of reader and this is where things get slightly tricky. Personally I prefer to use a web-based reader like Bloglines or Google Reader because they are easy to use and you can access your feeds from anywhere. The downside is that you have to create an account and sign in. Users of Internet Explorer 6 might find the page of "html gibberish" they see when they click on a Feed slightly alarming but all you need to do is to copy the url address (e.g. at the top of the screen and then paste it into your reader as a new feed. Alternatively you can right-click on the feed link and then choose Copy Shortcut (IE) or Copy Link Location (Firefox) and then paste that into your Feed Reader.

RSS feeds can be used to alert you about new information in your field and they are beginning to replace emailed alerts in all sorts of ways. Most journals now provide contents page feeds of their latest issues and (providing you are on-campus) you can click through to the full articles of those we subscribe to. The good people at the University of Nevada Library have provided a very extensive list of contents page feeds - make sure you click on the orange RSS symbol rather than the blue links.

Many databases now allow you to use RSS for subject based alerts as well as journal contents pages. In the Web of Science database carry out your search and then click the Search History button. This will display the list of searches from your current session - click on Save History to see a box that looks like this

Give you search a name and then click on Save. Don't tick the email alerts box unless you want them as well - but with your feed the email shouldn't be necessary. When the confirmation appears click on the orange XML button to create your feed.

Once you have a good system set up for your feeds you can choose to look at them whenever you have the time - typically this may be daily or once a week. The big advantage of them over emails is that you go to them at a time of your own choosing. Happy feeding and get in touch with us if you need help!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Web of Science back to 1900

At the beginning of last century Queen Victoria reigned over the Empire and scientific publishing was entering the modern era. Massey Library's coverage of the Science Citation Index portion of the Web of Science database now reaches back to 1900, adding an extra 45 years to our coverage. Although the earlier records do not include abstracts the times cited feature allows researchers to track the latest citations of classic articles.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Newspaper Heaven!!

We have all grown used to reading newspapers over the internet in recent years but there is often the sense that we are missing out on the whole experience - all the local politics, human interest stories and small town scandals that never make it to the websites or disappear within a few days.

The Library's newest service Library.PressDisplay is a "newspaper view" database which shows each newspaper exactly as it was published. Over 500 newspapers and magazines are searchable by keyword, language, and country. Other features include sound integration, advanced searching, and a 60-day rolling archive. Newspapers are available from over 65 countries, including New Zealand, Australia, China, Germany, India, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, United Kingdom, and the United States. New Zealand titles include the Manawatu Standard, New Zealand Herald and Dominion Post. Coverage of other countries includes the serious dailies such as the Washington Post and the Guardian as well as the tabloids.

Library Press.Display will be of great interest to homesick students and staff but is also a very extensive collection of international media for the serious researcher. It can be accessed through the Article Databases List from the Library's homepage. There is a limit of three Massey users at any one time so you may occasionally be denied access.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Extramural Study Guides in the Library

The Library at Turitea has a full set of study guides as an aid for the Distance Library Service and individual folders are occasionally made available to internal students requesting to see them. However they are not held on reserve and issued to students unless this is specifically requested by course controllers. If you wish your internal students to have access to the study guide please use the Temporary Material section of this request form to have a copy placed on reserve at your campus -

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

SciFinder Scholar 2007 now available

SciFinder is the premier database for Chemistry and all related sciences. The Library encourages users to have the latest version so as to maximize the benefit of additional new features.

The latest (2007) version of the SciFinder software is available for downloading and installing on campus machines, in both Mac OSX and Windows PC versions. [Note: If you have an earlier version, install the new one into the same folder to upgrade.] Windows users can now also download ViewerLite software for 3D views of molecular models for structure results.

If you need assistance to install the updated version, don't hesitate to ask.

Monday, June 11, 2007

New Books List Direct to You!

Every week the Library New Titles web page lists the most recent books added to our collections. This has proved to be popular for those wishing to browse the latest acquisitions but the list of new science titles is generally pretty extensive and not terribly convenient - especially as you have to remember to visit it regularly.

Using RSS Feed technology we are now able to stream subject specific lists of new books to anyone with feed reader software or a web-based reader. This greatly simplifies the task of checking on new books - in fact the lists come to you! The following lists have been created

Agriculture and Horticulture

Computer and Information Science

Earth Sciences

Life Sciences

Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry


Veterinary Science

The Veterinary Science list is a subset of the Agriculture and Horticulture list so it will be unnecessary to subscribe to both.

Click on the links above to subscribe. You will need either to download RSS feed reader software or to register with a web-based service like Google Reader or Bloglines. Users of FireFox can subscribe to feeds using Live Bookmarks while Internet Explorer 7 has RSS feed capability built in.

Library Catalogue - Your Reading History Option

A new feature in the Library Catalogue enables you to keep a record of items that you have borrowed, if you choose to do so.

From the Library Catalogue Home Page click on Log In and enter your details (ID number and PIN). Click on the My Reading History button at the right of the screen and then click on Opt In to enable the Catalogue to record details of items that you have borrowed.

Once Reading History has been set up, every item that you subsequently borrow will display on your record. You can choose to delete items from your record (all or one-by-one) if you no longer wish to retain a record of them.

With Reading History turned on, you can choose to exclude items you have already borrowed when searching the Catalogue.

If you wish to opt out of Reading History, simply click on the button when logged in to your Patron Record and select Opt Out. Note that all data will be lost so that if you opt in again at a later date the Reading History will start from then and won’t include earlier items.

If you need help with using the catalogue, or have further questions or comments, please contact us.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

IEEE New Technology Connections

This looks like a good one! From their publicity -
For each featured technology, you will find a general description, upcoming conferences, news articles, technical papers, related standards, professional organizations, and academic programs ... all in one place. Depending on your goal and interests, you can further explore these new connections for more depth.

We have kept the content level broad enough to be useful to a wide audience of professionals, academicians, students, technical press, and the general public eager to keep watch on the newest happenings in an easy-to-understand way. Technologies currently featured in the portal include DRM, RFID, remote sensing, wind power, and WiFi, with more to be added.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Encyclopedia of Magnetic Resonance - Free Trial

Covering a huge range of topics from "Abdominal RMA" to "Zinc Fingers" the newly published electronic version of Wiley's Encyclopedia of Magnetic Resonance provides comprehensive coverage of both the theoretical and applied aspects of its subject. Its breadth and accessible approach will make it of use to researchers and students across many scientific disciplines while the quality of its authors allows it to claim authoritative standing. Of particular interest is the addition of historical and biographical material.

This resource is on trial until 7 June and ongoing subscription to it is by no means guaranteed. Your comments on its usefulness and value will be particularly helpful.

A full list of Wiley reference sources held by Massey Library can be seen here.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Scirus: the science search engine

The world's largest freely available science search engine, Scirus ideally complements Google Scholar by covering fulltext from publishers not available via Google. Scirus searches a wide range of scholarly and web resources, and includes recognized sources such as: Elsevier's ScienceDirect, PubMed, LexisNexis, ArXiv, BioMed Central, plus many more. It offers the ability to: mark, sort and export results; direct links to fulltext; 'similar results' function; and more.

For improved off-campus access to fulltext, make sure to use the Scirus links on our Article Database pages.

For further information, see:

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

New Look Library Catalogue

The Library Catalogue has been updated to a new temporary interface. This has changed the look of the catalogue markedly, although the data underneath remains the same.
We are still doing major work on the look and functionality of the catalogue, so further changes will occur over the next few months.
If you are experiencing any difficulty with the catalogue or have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Veterinary Clinics of North America Titles Now Online!

The following titles from the Veterinary Clinics of North America series are now available online through ScienceDirect. There will be a delay before they appear on the Library catalogue but in the meantime you can link to directly from this posting -

Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America

Veterinary Clinics of North America: Equine Practice

Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice

Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice

Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Library Opening Hours Revisited - and Restored!

The recently announced change to the Library's opening hours has been rescinded and we will now be open for the same hours as for 2006 effective from 2 April -


Monday – Friday 8.30am – 10pm
Saturday – Sunday 10am – 8pm


Monday – Thursday 8am – 11pm
Friday 8am – 8pm
Saturday – Sunday 10am – 8pm


Monday – Thursday 8.30am – 6pm
Friday 8.30am – 5pm
Sunday 1pm – 5pm


Monday – Thursday 8.30am – 11pm
Friday 8.30am – 8pm
Saturday – Sunday 10am – 8pm

Statutory holidays

Good Friday (6 April): closed at all libraries

Easter Saturday (7 April) through to University Holiday (Tuesday 10 April): 10am – 8pm Albany, Wellington and Turitea (closed for this whole period at Hokowhitu)

ANZAC Day 25 April): 12 – 8pm Albany, Wellington and Turitea (closed Hokowhitu)

Queen’s Birthday (4 June): 10am – 8pm Albany, Wellington and Turitea (closed Hokowhitu)

Labour Day (22 October): 10am – 8pm Albany, Wellington and Turitea (closed Hokowhitu)

Friday, February 16, 2007

Important Postings from 2006

Before the 2007 academic year gets fully underway now is a good time to look back at some of the 2006 postings to our blog, Science News from Massey University Library, that are still highly relevant -

The Massey Digital Commons - making your research visible on the web.

New Scientific Encyclopedias - Encyclopedia of Life Sciences and Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences.

Library Information for Extramural Students - insert for your study guides.

Import of Google Scholar Records into EndNote - if you understand what this means you will probably want to do it!

IT Help for Students in the Library

Linking to Electronic Journal Articles from WebCT - making the scientific literature accessible to your students.

Library Opening Hours for 2007

Library opening hours have been reduced for 2007 due to budget constraints. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. Academic year opening hours will be as follows:

Monday – Thursday 8.30am – 10pm
Friday 8.30am – 6pm
Saturday – Sunday 1pm – 6pm

Monday – Thursday 8am – 11pm
Friday 8am – 6pm
Saturday – Sunday 1pm – 6pm

Monday – Thursday 8.30am – 6pm
Friday 8.30am – 5pm

Monday – Thursday 8.30am – 11pm
Friday 8.30am – 6pm
Saturday – Sunday 1pm – 6pm

All libraries will be closed over the Easter period (6 – 10 April) and ANZAC Day (25 April). Please see the Library website for further details.

Any concerns about opening hours may be addressed to the University Librarian, John Redmayne.

Microsoft Office Training In the Library

Do you feel uncomfortable using a computer?

Friendly IT Assistants can help you learn how to use Microsoft Office for your study. There will be useful tips for writing essays, reports and presentations.
We can also show you some little tricks to make your computer use quicker and easier. This is free to all Massey students!

When is it happening?

(All sessions will be held at the Turitea Library from 7pm– 8.15pm)
· Wednesday, 7 March (Excel I)
· Monday, 12 March (Word I)
· Wednesday, 14 March (Excel II)
· Monday, 19 March (Word II)
· Wednesday, 21 March (PowerPoint I)
· Wednesday, 28 March (Excel I)

How can I make a booking?

· Ask at the Information Desk at the 2nd floor of the Turitea Library
· Phone us at (06) 350 – 5670 ext 2121
· Email to: with your name and student ID number

For more information please visit:

Thursday, January 25, 2007

New Titles On FOODnetBASE

  • ISBN: 0849315727 - Dictionary of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods
    Health professionals are recognizing the major role that nutraceuticals play in health enhancement. As a result, there is a dramatic increase in research aimed at identifying new functional foods and nutraceuticals. There is not, however, a single source that presents this research in a thorough and accessible manner. Comprehensive and complete, the Dictionary of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods is the first reference of its kind written explicitly for this rapidly developing field.

  • ISBN: 0849319110 - Environmentally Friendly Technologies for Agricultural Produce Quality
    While ecology as a whole continues to receive considerable attention, postharvest food handling, until recently, had not been examined from a green perspective. This has changed as health-conscious consumers look to improve both their diets and their environment. Environmentally Friendly Technologies for Agricultural Produce Quality is the first book to take a focused look from an ecological point of view at the way produce is preserved, packaged, and shipped. The book's editor, Shimshon Ben-Yeh...

  • ISBN: 0849324416 - Functional Food Ingredients and Nutraceuticals: Processing Technologies
    A growing awareness of the contributions that functional foods, bioactive compounds, and nutraceuticals make to health is creating a tremendous market for these products. In order for manufacturers to match this demand with stable, high volume production while maintaining defined and reliable composition, they must have ready access to the very latest information emerging in the literature.

  • ISBN: 082472657X - Handbook of Brewing, Second Edition
    It has been ten years since its first edition, making the Handbook of Brewing, Second Edition the must have resource on the science and technology of beer production. It recounts how during this time, the industry has transformed both commercially and technically and how many companies have been subsumed into large multinationals while at the other extreme, microbreweries have flourished in many parts of the world. It also explains how massive improvements in computer power and automation have m...

  • ISBN: 0849372445 - Measurement and Control in Food Processing
    The industrial world consumes millions of kilos of processed food per day. Consistency of taste and texture, standards of raw materials, adherence to health codes, and uniform weights, are established industry specifications. Failure to meet any one of these can result in tons of food destroyed and billions of dollars lost. By the end of the 20th century the growing reliance on computers had shifted food quality and safety activities from human inspection to automated, statistically driven moni...

  • ISBN: 1574445685 - Sensory-Directed Flavor Analysis
    Today, flavor chemists can generate copious amounts of data in a short time with relatively little effort using automated solid phase micro-extraction, Gerstel-Twister® and other extraction techniques in combination with gas chromatographic (GC) analysis. However, more data does not necessarily mean better understanding. In fact, the ability to extract, isolate, and concentrate potential flavor-important chemicals from complex food systems has surpassed the ability to understand how the chemical...

  • ISBN: 0824706889 - Vitamin E: Food Chemistry, Composition, and Analysis
    Meeting industry demand for an authoritative, dependable resource, Vitamin E: Food Chemistry, Composition, and Analysis provides insight into the vast body of scientific knowledge available on vitamin E related to food science and technology. Coverage of these topics is intertwined with coverage of the food delivery system, basic nutrition, and food regulations, as well as the functional food and the pharmaceutical industries, and the excellent efforts of scientists worldwide who are unraveling ...