Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Massey Digital Commons now accepting articles!

Making your research visible on the web is a great way of stimulating interest in your work and ensuring that your articles will be read and cited. Massey's Digital Commons has been open for theses since August and is now accepting articles as well. Articles should be submitted as either Microsoft Word files or as PDFs, but first you need to ensure that you publisher allows "self archiving" of this sort. Check here for Publisher copyright policies & self-archiving. You can also check for a specific journal.

To submit your articles and papers first create an account which will give you a personal user page. (Email the Library for instructions on how to do this). The advantage of this is that once your articles have been uploaded to them you will have a single URL - i.e. a web address - that will give access to all of them. Here is an example - http://digitalcommons.massey.ac.nz/craig_prichard/

This URL can be placed on web pages and even incorporated into you email signature. You will also have an address for each individual piece of work - e.g. http://digitalcommons.massey.ac.nz/dissertations/adt-NZPU20060607-154500/

Once in the Digital Commons your work will be available to colleagues in institutions that do not subscribe to the journal it was published in - and to the world at large!

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