Thursday, May 11, 2006

IT Help for Students in the Library

In the modern era university study requires that students are able to use standard information technology - word processing, spreadsheets, presentation software and a basic understanding of operating systems are more or less taken for granted while some courses demand more advanced skills. Students these days are generally pretty IT-savvy but as anyone who has lost a file or had a document mysteriously reformat itself knows it is sometimes necessary to seek help from a higher power in the form of an IT expert.

The Library's Information Commons has two student-friendly IT Assistants - Summer (Natsuki Shimizu) and Jamie Munn - who are available to deal with a huge range of issues, from the occasional student who has never used a computer before to the desperate PhD student needing to produce a perfect document by yesterday. No problem is too big or too small, no question too basic - and if they don't know the answer they will point the student in the right direction. Jamie and Summer are available from 8am to 6pm weekdays and make the needs of students their No 1 priority.

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