Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Major New Source - ISI Proceedings

Conference papers are an important channel of academic communication but they can be frustratingly difficult to find! From the beginning of 2006 Massey Library is able to offer access to the ISI Proceedings database which is part of the ISI Web of Knowledge suite. ISI Proceedings covers conference papers published in journals and book series as well separately published proceedings.

It is searched using exactly the same protocols as Web of Science, CAB Abstracts and Current Contents. A really useful feature is the ability to search by Conference details so that if you remember that a conference on mechatronics was held in Boston you simply enter mechatronics and boston into the Conference field to see a list of papers.

As with other Web of Knowledge databases you can link to the Massey Library catalogue by clicking on the Holdings button of an individual record. If the record does not have a Holdings button it is worth searching the Library catalogue separately - a keyword search using a number of words from the conference name and its location is a really effective way of doing this.

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