Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Library teaching and research consultations 2006

The beginning of semester is a very good time for grounding your students in the use of the library and information resources. If the Library has taught your students in the past please remember that you will need to reconfirm this soon. If you haven't made use of this service, we are able to take new bookings but will need time to prepare a session that will suit the specific needs of your paper. It is always a good idea to get in early to make sure that our Training Room is available at the time you want it. We are of course happy to come out to speak to students within lectures as well.

Please contact

Noelene White (Palmerston North undergraduate)
Bruce White (Palmerston North postgraduate)
Rae Gendall (Albany)
Kirsty McNeill (Wellington)

Postgraduate students can benefit from a one-on-one research consultation. We will outline the main information resources available to them and teach them the use of databases and electronic sources in detail. A research consultation can provide the basis for ongoing contact between a student and the Library over the course of their degree. A research consultation is especially useful at the beginning of their thesis or research project, before they have wasted a lot of time or fallen into bad habits! Contact Bruce, Rae or Kirsty.

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