Friday, December 15, 2006

Christmas farewell + presents

Farewell from the Turitea Science Librarians
The Turitea Science Librarians (Bruce, Chris, and Noelene) are away from next week on leave. We 'reopen' on Monday 15th January 2007. We look forward to serving you again in the New Year. In the meantime if you require library assistance, do not hesitate to contact the library's Information Desk (ext 2121; email:; or use the Ask A Question form).

To close the year we are pleased to announce are two free 'presents':

  • Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand
    Vol 1 1868 - Vol 88 1961: now online at
    Now you can browse and search historic New Zealand science from your desktop! Contributors include: William Colenso, Thomas Hocken, Ernest Rutherford and many other Kiwi scholars and scientists. Recent volumes of RSNZ journals remain available at

  • Google Patents
    Find fulltext patents using the worlds leading search engine. Currently only US patents are available, but other countries will be included in due course. In the meantime, to find patents other countries (including New Zealand) check out our Patents page.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Reference Resource of the Year: Wiley InterScience

The Library is delighted to promote its expanding range of quality science reference resources available via the Wiley platform. Its major encyclopedias offer comprehensive coverage of the sciences.

Comprehensive Encyclopedias

  • Encyclopedia of Life Sciences
    Spans the entire spectrum of life sciences with over 4,000+ peer-reviewed articles. Aimed at all levels: researchers, postgraduates and undergraduates, the articles provide comprehensive and authoritative coverage, written by leading scholars in the field. (ELS includes the full content of the Encyclopedia of the Human Genome)
  • Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences
    3000+ updated entries covering all aspects of theoretical and applied statistics. This is an invaluable resource for advanced users of statistics in any discipline, as well as statisticians and mathematicians
  • Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology
    Now into its 5th edition, Kirk-Othmer is the premier encyclopedia for chemistry and all its related applications offering comprehensive articles with extensive referencing for further research.
  • Ullman's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry
    This new 7th edition offers 1000+ high quality entries by 3000+ authors who are experts in their fields. Covers all aspects of industrial chemistry and related areas.
Specialist Encyclopedias


  • Bailey's Industrial Oil and Fat Products
    The classic reference on the chemistry and processing technology of edible oils and fats as well as industrial and non-edible derivative products. Now in its 6th edition.

Other Reference Resources

A wide range of reference tools from other providers and research areas are also avilable via our Reference Resources page.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

PBRF relief! - New and Improved Author Searching and Citation Reports on Web of Science

Major New Features Available

Improved Author Searching: Author Finder

Web of Science now has improved the options available for searching authors - especially those with common names. Clicking the Author Finder link gives you the option of allowing for:
  • variant name entries
  • multiple names (for example, a person's maiden name and married name)
  • subject area of the author
  • institutional affiliation(s)
In addition to this, instead of only using first name initials, Web of Science will from now on be indexing names as they appear in publications in a bid to simplify the identification of authors.

Citation Reports for Search Results

Now you can create your citation portfolio for PBRF with ease!
This new feature is ideal for creating a report of an individual author's papers and their citations. (However, you can also create a citation report for any search set result.) It produces graphs of papers published and cited each year, as well as citation counts and average citation rates for individual papers. You can also remove self-citations at a click.

The Citation Report option is available in the box of options on the right of any search results list.

A dynamic illustration of how to do a citation report for an individual is available online at:
(Duration: 5mins40sec)

Also New: Further Online Training for Web of Science

A range of other animated tutorials for Web of Science are now available:

Massey Moving to EndNote X for 2007

Over the summer semester the ITS labs and the Library Information Commons will be upgraded to EndNote version X. This is to be the new supported version from 2007.

Now would be an opportune time to check which version you are running on your office (or home) PC or Mac and think about upgrading.

It is our recommendation that unless you need to remain on version 7 because of compatibility, that you upgrade to version X. See the Library EndNote FAQs for more information on compatibility.

Please Note:
While EndNote versions 8, 9 and X will open libraries created in EndNote 7, the reverse is not true. EndNote 7 cannot open libraries created in, or saved by, later versions. If you are using EndNote in conjunction with Microsoft Word on more than one computer (e.g. at home and on-campus), you should ensure that both machines have the same version installed.

Monday, November 13, 2006

New Titles on FoodNetBase

  • ISBN: 0824758110 - Unraveling Lipid Metabolism With Microarrays
    Reviewing current studies and previously unpublished research from leading laboratories around the world, Unraveling Lipid Metabolism with Microarrays demonstrates the use of microarrays and transcriptomic approaches to clarify the biological function of lipids. With contributions from world-class researchers, the book focuses on the use of microarrays to study and understand lipid metabolism. With coverage that spans the technologies of genomics, transriptomics, and meatabolomics, the t...

  • ISBN: 0824740378 - Antimicrobials in Food, Third Edition
    Twelve years have passed since its last edition - making Antimicrobials in Foods, Third Edition the must-have resource for those interested in the latest information on food antimicrobials. During that time, complex issues regarding food preservation and safety have emerged. A dozen years ago, major outbreaks of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes had not yet occurred, consumer and regulatory demands for improved food safety were just surfacing, the use of naturally occurring an...

  • ISBN: 0824740750 - Fat Crystal Networks
    The first authoritative source on the subject, this reference discusses the various levels of structure that influence the macroscopic physical properties of fat crystal networks. It summarizes 50 years of structural research in the field, as well as a wealth of information on fat crystal networks pertinent to real-world challenges in industry. Featuring a digital library containing 8000 high-resolution images of crystallized fats including cocoa butter, milkfat, milkfat fractions, and palm oil,...

  • ISBN: 157444607X - Handbook of Frozen Food Processing and Packaging
    Frozen foods make up one of the biggest sectors in the food industry. Their popularity with consumers is due primarily to the variety they offer and their ability to retain a high standard of quality. Thorough and authoritative, the Handbook of Frozen Food Processing and Packaging provides the latest information on the art and science of correctly handling and containing frozen foods. The book is divided into five parts for ease of accessibility and comprehension. Fundamentals of Freezin...

  • ISBN: 1574444999 - Nutraceutical and Specialty Lipids and their Co-Products
    While certain saturated and trans fats continue to face scrutiny as health hazards, new evidence indicates that, in addition to supplying foods with flavor and texture, fats also provide us with dietary components that are absolutely critical to our well-being. The importance of essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins and other minor components delivered by lipids is well known, as are the benefits and essentiality of long-chain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. And now, with new research ...

  • ISBN: 0849322618 - Microbiology of Fruits and Vegetables
    Fresh and fresh-cut fruits and vegetables have an excellent safety record. However, surveillance data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and recent foodborne illness outbreaks have demonstrated that the incidence of foodborne illnesses linked to the consumption of contaminated fresh fruit and vegetable products may in fact be more prevalent than previously thought. U.S. FDA and USDA microbiological surveys of domestic and imported fresh fruits and vegetables demonstrate tha...

  • ISBN: 0849376033 - Optimizing sweet taste in foods
    Sweet taste is often a critical component in a consumer's sensory evaluation of a food product. Optimizing Sweet Taste in Foods summarizes key research on what determines consumer perceptions of sweet taste, the range of sweet-tasting compounds and the ways their use in foods can be optimized. The first part of the book reviews factors affecting sweet taste perception. It includes chapters on how taste cells respond to sweet taste compounds, genetic differences in sweet taste perception,...

  • ISBN: 0849341809 - Phytochemicals: Nutrient-Gene Interactions
    Understanding phytochemical-gene interactions provides the basis for individualized therapies to promote health as well as prevent and treat disease. The authors of Phytochemicals: Nutrient-Gene Interactions examine the interactions between phytochemicals and the human genome and discuss the impact these interactions have on health, aging, and chronic conditions such as inflammation, heart disease, obesity, type II diabetes mellitus, and cancer. Keeping pace with the most important trends...

  • ISBN: 0824726499 - Surimi and Surimi Seafood, Second Edition
    Written by internationally recognized experts, Surimi and Surimi Seafood, Second Edition provides a wealth of up-to-the-minute information on all aspects of the production of surimi and surimi seafood. To accommodate the fast-paced surimi and surimi seafood industry, this revised and updated second edition has been expanded to include five new chapters. Most of the remaining chapters have also been extensively revised and expanded with new information. See what's new in the Second Edition...
  • Wednesday, November 08, 2006

    Library Instruction Available for 2007

    Group Instruction

    The Science Librarians are able to run courses tailored to specific papers, postgrads, staff or other groups on demand. Now is the time to start booking in these for 2007. The content of the courses can be varied to meet the particular requirements of each group, but can include things like:
    • locating library resources
    • find journals (online and print)
    • doing a literature review
    • advanced searching skills
    • referencing with Endnote
    • and more
    To arrange a session, please contact your Science Librarian:

    Individual Instruction

    As well as group instruction, we are also able to offer one-on-one research consultaions. These can be requested online at:

    The Library also has other helpful resources:

    Tuesday, November 07, 2006

    Bruce is outa here ( for the summer anyway)

    I will be away from Massey from next week until mid-February working on a training programme for EPIC, a New Zealand library consortium. If you need to get in touch with me please do so before Friday, but in my absence you should contact Chris Good.

    Monday, November 06, 2006

    New Journals from Wiley

    The following new journals from Wiley InterScience are available through the Library catalogue - simply search by Journal Title

    Biotechnology Journal
    Chemistry -- An Asian Journal
    Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging
    Evidence-Based Child Health: A Cochrane Review Journal
    Journal of Hospital Medicine
    Laser Physics Review

    Friday, November 03, 2006

    The Complete Works of Charles Darwin online

    From the press release:

    "The largest collection of Darwin's writings ever published will appear on the website The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online ( on 19 October 2006. Never before has so much Darwin material, and so many rare and widely dispersed items, been brought together in one place and made available free of charge. This site currently offers more than 50,000 pages of searchable text and 40,000 images of both publications and transcribed manuscripts. Most of the materials are available both as fully formatted electronic text and colour images of the originals. Darwin's works are also available as free machine-read audio mp3 files.

    Most of the materials provided are appearing online for the first time such as the first edition of the Journal of Researches (1839) (or Voyage of the Beagle), The descent of Man (1871), The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle (1838-43) and the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th editions of the Origin of species. There are also many newly transcribed and never before published manuscripts such as Darwin's Beagle field notebooks. One of these, the notebook in which Darwin recorded his immediate thoughts on the Galapagos, was stolen in the early 1980s and is still missing, but the text has been transcribed from microfilm. "

    Tuesday, October 31, 2006

    Massey Digital Commons now accepting articles!

    Making your research visible on the web is a great way of stimulating interest in your work and ensuring that your articles will be read and cited. Massey's Digital Commons has been open for theses since August and is now accepting articles as well. Articles should be submitted as either Microsoft Word files or as PDFs, but first you need to ensure that you publisher allows "self archiving" of this sort. Check here for Publisher copyright policies & self-archiving. You can also check for a specific journal.

    To submit your articles and papers first create an account which will give you a personal user page. (Email the Library for instructions on how to do this). The advantage of this is that once your articles have been uploaded to them you will have a single URL - i.e. a web address - that will give access to all of them. Here is an example -

    This URL can be placed on web pages and even incorporated into you email signature. You will also have an address for each individual piece of work - e.g.

    Once in the Digital Commons your work will be available to colleagues in institutions that do not subscribe to the journal it was published in - and to the world at large!

    Wednesday, October 25, 2006

    New Zealand Fisheries Management Research Database

    Jointly created by Auckland University Library and the Ministry of Fisheries the New Zealand Fisheries Management Research Database contains "primarily New Zealand material covering social, economic, environmental, recreational and customary rights information." Biological and scientific data are not included. Sources include "a range of different formats such as websites, books, reports, working papers, theses, newspaper and journal articles." Massey researchers wishing to obtain material listed in the database should do so through Massey University Library.

    Friday, October 13, 2006

    Now we are two

    Library recall notices by email

    Library recall notices will be sent by email starting 24 October 2006.

    Staff – we use your Massey email address so please let us know if there are any problems, and check your email regularly.

    Students – keep your email address up to date through MyMassey. Go to ‘Set Email Forward’ to check or change your email address. Or phone 0800 MASSEY or email

    If you do not have an email address recall letters will be sent to you by post.

    Tuesday, October 03, 2006

    Great Chemistry - Royal Society of Chemistry journals in 2007

    Good news for chemists. At a time which sees the Library cancelling journals because of rising costs it has proved possible to improve our online holdings of RSC journals at no extra cost by adjusting the package we purchase through the Council of Australian University Libraries cosnsortium. The new titles we will receive from the beginning of 2007 will be -

    Annual reports on the progress of chemistry. Sections B and C (We already have A!)
    CrystEngComm (Yes, that is its title!)
    Methods in Organic Synthesis
    Molecular Biosystems
    Lab on a Chip
    Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

    There is a downside - the cancellation of The Analyst and Analytical Abstracts.

    Thursday, September 28, 2006

    Equine Veterinary Journal pre-prints

    Journal publishing times can mean long delays after articles have been accepted for publication with the result that many are now making articles available before their formal appearance "in print". Access pre-print articles from The Equine Veterinary Journal.

    Monday, September 18, 2006

    Free Access to Royal Society Journals (until the end of the year)

    The Royal Society is offering free access to the archive its journals until the end of the year. Make the most of the opportunity to search and access some of the world's most influential science journals, from 1665 to the present.

    To access:

    For more information:

    Friday, September 08, 2006

    Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences - online

    The Library is delighted to announce the avalability online of the world's leading reference work in Statistics:

    • Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences
      3000+ updated entries covering all aspects of theoretical and applied statistics. This is an invaluable resource for all users of statistics in any discipline, as well as statisticians and mathematicians.

    As well as this major title, the Library has a wide range of other math and statistics encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, etc accessible via its Maths/Stats Reference Resources page or the Library Catalogue.

    Australian Veterinary Journal - now available online

    Online access to recent issues (Vol 87, No 4, 2006 onwards) of this title is now available on Blackwell Synergy. You can access this either through the Library's ejournal page, or via a journal title search on the Library Catalogue.

    Some earlier volumes (Vols 74 - 82) remain available via the
    publisher's website.

    Wednesday, September 06, 2006

    Announcing 2 Major New Science Encyclopedias

    The Library is delighted to announce access to two major new Wiley encyclopedias - premier titles in their fields:

    • Encyclopedia of Life Sciences
      Spans the entire spectrum of life sciences with over 3,700+ peer-reviewed articles. Aimed at all levels: researchers, postgraduates and undergraduates, the articles provide comprehensive and authoritative coverage, written by leading scholars in the field. (ELS includes the full content of the Encyclopedia of the Human Genome)
    • Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences
      3000+ updated entries covering all aspects of theoretical and applied statistics. This is an invaluable resource for all users of statistics in any discipline, as well as statisticians and mathematicians

    As well as these two major new titles, the Library has a wide range of other encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, etc accessible via its Reference Resources page or the Library Catalogue.

    Friday, August 18, 2006

    Massey Theses on the Web - DigitalCommons@Massey

    As well as being valuable sources of information doctoral and masters theses serve to raise the profile and promote the work of individual researchers during the early years of their careers. Massey graduates are now able to deposit electronic copies of their theses into the University's digital repository - DigitalCommons@Massey. Theses can be submitted as either Word or PDF files and must be the final version after all changes have been made and participation is not restricted to recent graduates - in fact anyone who has their work in electronic format should consider submitting it as a contribution to the community. Even embargoed theses can be held - only the title and abstract will be accessible until the period of embargo has ended.

    Theses held in the repository will be fully accessible to Google searchers and it is intended that coverage will extend to Google Scholar in the future.

    Wednesday, August 02, 2006

    Library Serials Review Deadline

    The deadline for responses to the proposed cancellations of journal subscriptions is Friday 11 August. The list of titles was circulated to departments on 27 July and a revised list based on the feedback received will be sent out on Friday 18th.

    The cancelling of journals is not something that the Library undertakes lightly and this year's exercise has been necessitated by the university's request for financial stringency combined with the tendency of journal price increases to run ahead of the rate of inflation. The strategy adopted for science journals has been to select predominantly print titles which have been used much less heavily in recent years as electronic access has become the norm. Expensive titles have been particularly targeted as providing the greatest savings for the least impact unless there is clear evidence that they are of critical importance.

    One electronic journal package - Taylor & Francis - will be cancelled because its cost structure has become insupportable. Individual titles from this publisher to which we subscribed before taking up the package will continue unless a further decision is made, as has been done in some cases, to cancel them on the grounds of cost and low use. Titles that were not previously held and that came to us as part of the T & F package will no longer be received and will disappear from the Library catalogue.

    When cancellations are made interlibrary loan becomes an alternative means of acquiring articles and it is acknowledged that this does involve passing some costs on to departments. The major part of the cost is still carried by the Library and in the case of expensive journals that are infrequently used this proves to be much less expensive than a subscription. While we are sensitive to the question of whether a journal is held by other New Zealand libraries it is worth noting that the Library no longer charges an extra amount for overseas interloans and they are often obtained more quickly than those sourced locally.

    Requests are received from time to time for new journal titles - it will be unusually difficult to institute any new subscriptions unless a substantial saving is made on existing expenditure.

    Whilst the timeframe is tight we are pleased to listen to any suggestions, proposals or objections - you can phone Bruce White or Chris Good (Turitea) on extension 7814, Valerie Cohen (Albany) on 41077 or Diana Fehsenfeld (Wellington) on 6855 or email us.

    Friday, July 28, 2006

    Reference Resource of the Month - Wiley Reference

    Wiley InterScience is a publisher of many major science reference tools. The Library subscribes to some of these, which are listed below (in order of relevance):



    • Bailey's Industrial Oil and Fat Products
      The standard reference on the chemistry and processing technology of edible oils and fats as well as industrial and non-edible derivative products. Now in its 6th edition.

    Wednesday, July 19, 2006

    Web of Science Goes With Google

    ISI have made a fundamental change to the way that Web of Knowledge (including Web of Science) databases search.

    When using the Topic Search or Quick Search options, search terms are no longer automatically "phrase" searched, they are instead automatically "anded".
    This is similar to the way that the Google search engines operate. If you enter a phrase it now searches for records containing all of the words in the phrase rather than only for those containing the phrase itself - quotation marks are necessary to force an exact phrase search.

    For example, instead of entering fire blight AND zealand
    you should now enter "fire blight" zealand

    However if you wish to use OR to allow a choice of keywords it is necessary to enclose the ORed terms in brackets and to use AND -

    "fire blight" AND (zealand or australia)

    For more information see the help screens on Web of Knowledge, or contact your Liaison Librarian.

    Monday, July 10, 2006

    Library teaching and research consultations 2006 (Semester 2)

    The beginning of semester is a very good time for grounding your students in the use of the library and information resources.

    Library Seminars
    If the Library has taught your students in the past please remember that you will need to reconfirm this soon. If you haven't made use of this service, we are able to take new bookings but will need time to prepare a session that will suit the specific needs of your paper. It is always a good idea to get in early to make sure that our Training Room is available at the time you want it. We are of course happy to come out to speak to students within lectures or tutorials as well.

    Please contact:

    Research Consultations
    Postgraduate students and staff can also benefit from a one-on-one research consultation. We will outline the main information resources available to them and teach them the use of databases and electronic sources in detail, and also advice on managing references with EndNote. A research consultation can provide the basis for ongoing contact between a researcher and the Library over the course of their studies. A research consultation is especially useful at the beginning of their thesis or research project, before they have wasted a lot of time or fallen into bad habits!

    Contact: Bruce, Chris, Valerie or Diana

    Thursday, June 15, 2006

    Journal Citation Reports for 2005 now available

    The Institute of Scientific Information (ISI - the provider of the Web of Science database) has released its latest lists of citation rates, impact factors and other journal statistics from 2005 in Journal Citation Reports.

    Now you can check to see if the rankings for titles in your PBRF profiles have changed; identify possible journal titles in your area for publication, etc. JCR has statistics for around 7,500 quality peer reviewed titles across all disciplines for 2003, 2004 and now 2005.

    The Library also runs a "Publishing for PBRF" session through the Training and Development Unit (TDU). This includes training on using JCR and other tools for journal assessment. If you are interested, contact Sarah Cresswell of TDU.

    Top 5 most highly cited science journals in 2005

    1. Journal of Biological Chemistry (404,397 cites)
    2. Nature (372,784 cites)
    3. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (357,239 cites)
    4. Science (345,991 cites)
    5. Journal of the American Chemical Society (257,810 cites)

    Wednesday, June 07, 2006

    Nature Genetics microRNA

    An announcement from Nature Publishing

    "In June 2006, Nature Genetics is proud to present a special issue on microRNAs. Thanks to generous support of the principal sponsors Rosetta Genomics and Alnylam Pharmaceuticals along with the supporting sponsor Santaris Pharma, this supplement will be freely available online for three months. The supplement will feature a review and a collection of perspectives focused on the genomic analysis of microRNA function. Topics include identification of microRNAs and their targets, strategies for determining biological function and recent insights into the biological roles of microRNAs in animal development, plants and the viral life cycle."

    Access Special Issue

    Tuesday, June 06, 2006

    Library Information for Extramural Study Guides

    The Distance Library Service is an important resource for extramural students and it is essential that they are aware of what it has to offer them and how they can access it. A brochure explaining the service is sent to them but for many students the need to use it will arise halfway through the course when they have well and truly lost the material they were sent at the start of the course! Inclusion of library information in study guides ensures that it will be available to them when needed. Click on the following link to access an insert that can be pasted into your study guide -

    Tuesday, May 30, 2006

    Reference Resource of the Month - Elsevier Encyclopedias

    The Library subscribes to a range of titles from this authoritative publisher. These can either be searched simultaneously or browsed individually (the green icon means the Library subscribes to the title and you have access).

    Science related titles you can browse include:

    Looking for more? Don't forget to check the subject options on our Reference Resources page. Access to these can also be via the Recommended Reference Resource links on our Subject Guides

    Wednesday, May 17, 2006

    Journal of Veterinary Medical Education Now Online

    The Journal of Veterinary Medical Education is now available online. This includes the latest issue which is currently Winter 2005 - although the Spring issue cannot be far behind!

    Monday, May 15, 2006

    Import of Google Scholar Records into EndNote

    Users of Google Scholar often ask if it is possible to capture bibliographic records into EndNote - happily this functionality has now been added. From Google Scholar open Scholar Preferences and set the Bibliography Manager to Show links to import citations into EndNote. Save the preferences and then each time you search on Google Scholar most of the records will show an Import into EndNote link. Click on this and you will be prompted for the EndNote Library to save the record into.

    You should be aware that quality control on Google Scholar is not always as good as on paid-for databases. Imported references do not include abstracts or keywords and journal titles may be abbreviated. In any case you should generally (always?) repeat your Google Scholar search on a formal database like Web of Science - Google Scholar does not include references from some major publishers like Elsevier.

    Thursday, May 11, 2006

    IT Help for Students in the Library

    In the modern era university study requires that students are able to use standard information technology - word processing, spreadsheets, presentation software and a basic understanding of operating systems are more or less taken for granted while some courses demand more advanced skills. Students these days are generally pretty IT-savvy but as anyone who has lost a file or had a document mysteriously reformat itself knows it is sometimes necessary to seek help from a higher power in the form of an IT expert.

    The Library's Information Commons has two student-friendly IT Assistants - Summer (Natsuki Shimizu) and Jamie Munn - who are available to deal with a huge range of issues, from the occasional student who has never used a computer before to the desperate PhD student needing to produce a perfect document by yesterday. No problem is too big or too small, no question too basic - and if they don't know the answer they will point the student in the right direction. Jamie and Summer are available from 8am to 6pm weekdays and make the needs of students their No 1 priority.

    Tuesday, May 09, 2006

    FOODnetBASE - Problem Opening PDF Files

    If you are experiencing problems opening or reading the electronic books in the FOODnetBASE collection you need to upgrade to the latest version of Adobe Acrobat. Click here to upgrade.

    Monday, May 08, 2006

    New on FOODnetBASE

    Polysaccharides: Structural Diversity and Functional Versatility, Second Edition

    Completely revised and expanded to reflect the latest advancements in the field, Polysaccharides: Structural Diversity and Functional Versatility, Second Edition outlines fundamental concepts in the structure, function, chemistry, and stability of polysaccharides and reveals new analytical techniques and applications currently impacting the cosmetic, medicinal, chemical, and biochemical industries. The authoritative book discusses polysaccharides utilized in medical applications such as polysacc...

    International Handbook of Foodborne Pathogens
    This reference describes the management, control, and prevention of microbial foodborne disease. It analyzes transformations in the epidemiology of foodborne disease from increased transnational food exchange to examinations of new and emerging zoonoses. The authors discuss the prevalence and risk of foodborne disease in developing and industrialized countries. The Annals of Microbiology describes this book as "highly exhaustive, with up to date references." Researchers and practicing pathologis...

    Tuesday, May 02, 2006

    Electronic Journal Articles in WebCT

    If you have developed a WebCT course, or intend to develop one, you can insert links to electronic journal articles. There is no copyright restriction on posting the URL of an article from any electronic journal listed in the Massey Library Catalogue. Initial queries including citations should be directed to your Liaison Librarian. It is necessary for the Library to create a special URL so that the article can be accessed from off-campus through the proxy-server. The Library's Bibliographic Services staff will email the URLs directly to you within 48 hours of receipt of the request. Should you have any problems with the URLs you have been given, please contact the Collection Services staff.

    Wednesday, April 12, 2006

    What's new in Oxford English Dictionary Online?

    Did you know that Massey staff and students have access to the full Oxford English Dictionary Online? The print edition of the OED runs to over twenty volumes and is the definitive source for English language words and their derivations, but using the online edition you will be able to use the very latest words such as 'pheaker'.


    The latest alphabetical range to be revised is PHILANTHROPAL-PIMENTO. Find out the latest definitions and quotations for everything from PHISHER (a person who perpetrates a fraud on the Internet in order to glean personal information from individuals) to PHEAKER (a person who fraudulently obtains a telephone or computer connection), from PHO (a type of Vietnamese soup) to PICO DE GALLO (a Mexican salad or salsa), and from PHWOAR (an expression of desire originating in Britain) to PHONEY BALONEY (a US term for nonsense).

    Please see for a full list of new and revised words in this range.


    New entries have also been added across the alphabet – from ASBO (an acronym widely-used in Britain to describe an anti-social behaviour order) to SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), and from LIFE COACH (a professional counsellor) to HUMAN BEATBOX (a person who uses their voice to imitate the rhythms of hip-hop music).

    Please see for a full list of new entries from across the alphabet.

    Wednesday, April 05, 2006

    New Titles on FoodNetBase

  • ISBN: 0849334276 - Improving the Safety of Fresh Meat
    The safety of fresh meat continues to be a major concern for consumers. As a result, there has been a wealth of research on identifying and controlling hazards at all stages in the supply chain. Improving the Safety of Fresh Meat reviews this research and its implications for the meat industry.

    Part I discusses identifying and managing hazards on the farm. There are chapters on the prevalence and detection of pathogens and on chemical and other contaminants. A number of chapters also dis...

  • ISBN: 084933439X - Handbook of hygiene control in the food industry
    Developments such as the demand for minimally-processed foods have placed a renewed emphasis on good hygienic practices in the food industry. As a result there has been a wealth of new research in this area. Improving Hygiene in the Food Industry provides a comprehensive summary of the key trends and issues in food hygiene research.

    Part 1 reviews research on the range of contamination risks faced by food processors. Building on this foundation, Part 2 discusses current trends in the des...

  • ISBN: 0849301203 - Poultry Meat Processing
    Poultry Meat Processing provides a clear, concise, and complete presentation of the theoretical and practical aspects of poultry meat processing. Learn the "what," "how," and "why" of the industry from the pre-slaughter environment to the handling of waste. This must-have guide is the first comprehensive treatment of poultry processing to appear in thirty years.

    Providing an instructional review of the scientific literature, each chapter is written by an acknowledged expert. They cover th...

  • ISBN: 0824707494 - Food Lipids: Chemistry, Nutrition, and Biotechnology, Second Edition
    Highlighting the role of dietary fats in foods, human health, and disease, this book offers comprehensive presentations of lipids in food. Furnishing a solid background in lipid nomenclature and classification, it contains over 3600 bibliographic citations for more in-depth exploration of specific topics and over 530 illustrations, tables, and equations to help clarify study. With contributions of more than 40 internationally renowned experts, the book covers conjugated linoleic acids in health,...

  • ISBN: 0824743016 - Handbook of Vegetable Preservation and Processing
    Representing the vanguard in the field with research from more than 35 international experts spanning governmental, industrial, and academic sectors, the Handbook of Vegetable Preservation and Processing compiles the latest science and technology in the processing and preservation of vegetables and vegetable products. This reference serves as the only guide to compile key tools used in the United States to safeguard and protect the quality of fresh and processed vegetables. A vast and contempora...

  • ISBN: 0824747801 - Handbook of Food and Beverage Fermentation Technology
    Over the past decade, new applications of genetic engineering in the fermentation of food products have received a great deal of coverage in scientific literature. While many books focus solely on recent developments, this reference book highlights these developments and provides detailed background and manufacturing information.

    Presenting a comprehensive overview, Handbook of Food and Beverage Fermentation Technology examines a wide range of starter cultures and manufacturing procedures...

  • ISBN: 0824747127 - Handbook of Frozen Foods
    Frozen foods have the advantage of being very close in taste and quality to fresh foods as compared with other preserved or processed foods. They have become essential items in the retail food industry, grocery stores, convenience food stores, fast food services, and vending machines. Collecting an impressive amount of professional expertise on frozen food science, technology, and engineering, the Handbook of Frozen Foods describes the manufacture, processing, inspection, and safety of frozen f...

  • ISBN: 0824747844 - Industrialization of Indigenous Fermented Foods, Second Edition
    Industrialization of Indigenous Fermented Foods, Second Edition presents the most recent innovations in the processing of a wide range of indigenous fermented foods ranging from soy sauce to African mageu. It serves as the only comprehensive review of indigenous fermented food manufacture from ancient production methods to industrialized processing technologies for clear understanding of the impact of fermented food products on the nutritional needs of communities around the world.


  • ISBN: 0824789563 - Seafood and Freshwater Toxins: Pharmacology: Physiology, and Detection
    This volume focuses on the pharmacology, physiology, toxicology, chemistry, ecology and economics of seafood and freshwater toxins. It covers the biological aspects of the bloom, the effects and actions of each toxin with emphasis on human aspects, and the analytical and preparative options for neurotoxic, diarrhetic shellfish toxins, and hepatotoxic or neurotoxic freshwater cyanobacteria toxins.

  • ISBN: 0824708008 - Using the Agricultural, Environmental, and Food Literature
    This reference provides the groundwork, tools, and terminology required when conducting specialized searches for information and resources pertaining to traditional and emerging fields of agriculture. The editors present 16 contributions from librarians and other information workers that offer information on research resources across the academic agricultural disciplines. They offer information on library catalog search strategies, abstracts and indexes, bibliographies and literature guides, sea...

  • ISBN: 084939208X - Improving the fat content of foods
    As health problems such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease increase world wide, the food industry has come under fire to improve the nutritional quality of its products, especially the fat content. Summarizing key research, this collection examines both the influence of dietary fats on health and practical strategies for improving the fat content of food. Distinguished editors and an international team of contributors, review the evidence on the links between dietary fats and health. They d...
  • Tuesday, April 04, 2006

    PubMed - Full Journal Titles in EndNote

    Many researchers find searching the PubMed database a convenient alternative to Medline, which is a more fully-configured version of the same data, especially as PubMed records can be captured directly from EndNote. The disadvantage is that journal names in PubMed are abbreviated and are not suitable for use in citations and bibliographies. Fortunately full journal names can be made to appear in the output by modifying the Journal Title Term List.

    When all the articles from PubMed have been captured in your EndNote library click on Tools/Open Term Lists/Journals Term List. This box shows all of the journals represented in the library (in their abbreviated form) - you are going to delete this list and replace it with the full list of Medline journals which comes with your EndNote software. Click on the first entry in the list, then scroll to the bottom of the list, hold down the shift key and click on the last one. This will highlight the whole list. Then click on the Delete Term button. Now click on the Lists tab and then Import List. Point at the Program Files/EndNote/Term Lists folder and select the file medical.txt. It will take a short time to import as their are nearly 9,000 titles in the list. Now close the Term List box.

    One final step is needed for full journal names to display in output. Open your preferred bibliographic style by clicking on Edit/Output Styles and selecting the style you wish to use. Under Journal Name make sure that Use full journal name is selected. Click on File/Save and close the Edit Style window. Full journal names will now be used in this style. Use full journal name must be selected in any style you wish to use.

    You may notice that some journal names are still appearing as abbreviations. This is because the journal was not covered by the imported list, but it can be added manually. Click on Tools/Open Term Lists/Journals Term List and then on New Term. Put the abbreviation under Abbreviation 1 and the full title under Full Journal. As you add new records from PubMed check to see whether you need to add more journal names to the list.

    Monday, March 27, 2006

    SciFinder - Upgrade to 2006 version

    SciFinder is the premier database for Chemistry and all related sciences. The database provider has announced that from the 1st April they will not be supporting versions 2004 or earlier. (You can check the version you have when the software begins running.) The Library encourages users to have the latest version so as to maximise the benefit of additional new features.

    The latest (2006) version of the SciFinder software is available for downloading and installing on campus machines, in both Mac OSX and Windows PC versions. [Note: It is best to either uninstall the old version first, or install the new one into the same folder as the earlier version.]

    If you need assistance to install the updated version, don't hesitate to ask.

    Thursday, March 23, 2006

    Food Science and Technology Abstracts - New EndNote Filter

    To export references from the Food Science and Technology Abstracts (FSTA) database to an EndNote library a small file called a 'filter' is necessary to ensure that the records are correctly formatted. As a filter for FSTA does not come pre-loaded with EndNote so we have made one available from the Software Download page on the Library website. Unfortunately the output format for references from FSTA has changed and the original filter supplied from this page (FSTA_MU) no longer creates properly structured EndNote records. A new version has been created (FSTA_MU2). If you have the older version, or if you wish to export from FSTA to EndNote for the first time click here. Save it in the folder Program Files/EndNote/Filters.

    From the FSTA database select the Direct Export Option and click on Save. When a box appears asking you to select a filter choose FSTA_MU2.

    Wednesday, March 22, 2006

    Full Electronic Coverage of Journal of Biological Chemistry

    The Journal of Biological Chemistry is now available electronically from Volume 1 1905 to the latest issue. Previously the most recent twelve month's issues were absent from the online coverage. Those with a keen memory may recall that JBC was fourth on the list of Massey's Most Cited Science Journals for 2004.

    Friday, March 17, 2006

    Two new IEEE journals

    Two new journals have been added to the IEEE package. They are

    Wiley InterScience Wants to Give You a Cookie!

    The cookie monster has struck! In recent days users of electronic journals from Wiley InterScience have noticed that they receive an error message about cookies when trying to access articles. This has happened intermittently in the past and although there seems to be no good reason for it there is little we can do about it except complain - which we have done. In the meantime readers of their journals will need to adjust the privacy settings of their browser to accept cookies every time they wish to access an article. On behalf of Wiley InterScience Massey Library apologises for the inconvenience.

    Monday, March 13, 2006

    The Turitea Library in 2006

    The Palmerston North campus of Massey University has undergone a real makeover over the past year and the Library has been a big part of this. We asked Campus Librarian Linda Palmer to talk about some of the changes that have taken place -

    Turitea Library update – the student experience

    What will your students experience when visiting the Turitea library in 2006? Well, they can still find a quiet corner to study, and possibly a paper journal issue to browse, but they are more likely to be joining the thousands of students using the Information Commons each day, discussing their work at a group study table, and enjoying a coffee at the Library café! Level 2 of the Library is a busy and noisy place: there are nearly 100 PCs where students can read their email, access their online paper, search databases for full-text journal articles, and write their assignment. Professional assistance is available from library and specialist IT staff, with someone available during all opening hours – we provide help but also take the opportunity to teach information literacy and IT skills. In addition, the café is open 9am – 5pm during the week, a vending machine provides cold drinks, and the growing demand for group study is supported in an increasing number of group discussion tables throughout the building.

    For staff and students who prefer a quieter environment there are still a large number of individual study desks on each floor. However the Library has a strong sense of ‘place’ for students, a place to meet, talk, study, research, and even eat now we have relaxed our food and drink policy! Please come and take a look some time…

    Plans for the Information Commons in 2006 include a trial of a colour printer (with ITS), a scanner and walk-in access to a limited number of databases for visitors to Massey University.

    And how are your students using the library to find information? As our numbers of online resources increase, book checkout statistics are slightly dropping each year (this is a relatively common pattern across tertiary libraries). It looks like students are embracing the online world, but still need skills to find, evaluate and correctly use online information. And sometimes they might be best to start with a traditional reference resource or text book which may not be available electronically! Results from our Rodski satisfaction survey in 2005 indicate that many students are struggling to work through databases to find a full text journal article that meets their needs. We see these students individually but are also very happy to provide hands-on classes for your course so they have these essential skills.

    Did you know?

    · There is now a returns bin at the back door of the Turitea Library if you find it easier (or want to drive up)

    · Overdue notices will soon be sent only one day after the due date, rather than five days later (sorry – our current library system can’t manage reminder notices before the due date)

    · Your College Liaison librarian can help you with the development of your online course. The abundance of ‘traditional library information’ that is now accessible online allows students to link directly from the online material you have provided to many of the actual documents you wish them to read. We can also help you to make sure that students in the virtual environment are able to develop independent information seeking skills.

    Friday, March 03, 2006

    Four New Electronic Journals from Blackwell

    Four titles have been added to the Blackwell Science Collection and are thereby available electronically to the Massey community. They are -

    Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1998-
    FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology 1993-
    Marine Mammal Science 2006-
    Water and Environment Journal 2005-

    Over the years Massey has bought many individual issues of the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences which have been separately placed in the book collection so electronic access may represent an advance in accessibility of these volumes as well as in the comprehensivenes of our coverage.

    Thursday, February 09, 2006

    New Science Liaison Librarian at Turitea

    Chris Good is the new Liaison Librarian for College of Sciences on the Turitea Campus - he replaces Rae Gendall who move to the Albany Library last year. Chris comes to us from Victoria University where he held a similar position and prior to that he worked at Waikato, also as a science liaison librarian. After completing a BA(Hons) at Otago with papers in earth sciences, computing and statistics he chose Massey for his Masters degree in geography in the early '90s. Chris brings us a wealth of experience as a science librarian and is looking forward to working with staff and students of the College of Sciences. He can be emailed - - or telephoned on extension 7814. Bruce White remains a science Liaison Librarian at Turitea as well.

    Digital Commons (Institutional Repository) Demonstration

    Turitea Library Training Room, Level 2
    Date: Tuesday 14 February 2006
    Time: 11am - 12 noon

    Hanna Perrett from Bepress (Berkeley Electronic Press) and Dan Hamid from ProQuest will be coming to the Turitea Library to talk about the benefits of an institutional repository and a Digital Commons from an academic staff point-of-view.

    The Digital Commons software allows loading of dissertations, research papers, conference papers, pre-prints and even peer-reviewed journals, and making these available over the web to provide maximum visibility for this research. Many of the Australian universities have already developed such a repository.

    Examples can also be seen at:
    University of Pennyslvania
    California Digital Library
    University of Surrey

    If you would like to attend, please let us know by responding with your name by email to Stephanie Taylor in the Library by 10 February 2006.

    Friday, February 03, 2006

    FOODnetBASE Now Available!

    FOODnetBASE is a collection of electronic books and reference sources in food science, food technology and nutrition. It covers a wide spectrum of food industry topics ranging from safety regulations and quality assurance to packaging, biotechnology and product development and includes publications from CRC Press, Marcel Dekker and Woodhead. FOODnetBase curently consists of 183 titles.

    Titles can be browsed from the front page or there is a search box is in the top left hand corner. You need to use a Boolean "AND" if you are searching on more than one term - e.g. campylobacter AND gastroenteritis. Two or more words entered as a string without an intervening AND are searched for as a phrase - e.g. "hazard identification". Navigation to your search results is reasonably intuitive and the individual chapters load as PDF files which can be saved. A disadvantage of FOODnetBASE is that the PDFs are not paginated which may make documents difficult to cite. Please get in touch with us if you are struggling with any of its features.

    If you are opening a title from the main list click on the Read It Online! link. In due course individual titles will be added to the Library catalogue so that the electronic books are fully integrated into the Library's collection.

    Wednesday, February 01, 2006

    CAB Abstracts Now Back to 1910

    Massey Library's coverage of the Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux database has been extended back in time to 1910 with the addition of extensive backfile to the records which had previously covered the period from 1972 to the present only. While it is generally true that researchers' prime need is for the latest work, the availability of classic articles is exceptionally valuable in the field of agriculture to track the development of a particular technique or to compare different conditions over time. It is now possible for example to locate the early work of New Zealand grasslands pioneer A.H. Cockayne with a CAB search, or to track publishing on leptospirosis in New Zealand from the 1950s to the present.

    Monday, January 30, 2006

    The Library in 2006 - from the University Librarian

    John Redmayne, University Librarian, has given us an outline of the Library's direction in the coming year -


    The Library has received notice of its capital grant for the year (which pays for our books and journals). In particular, we have been able to increase the book budget across allocations by an average 7%, which should enable us to cope with book publishers’ increases and some movement in the New Zealand dollar. The allocation for electronic databases and e-journals includes an 8% increase for publishers’ prices, and the print (paper) serials (a diminishing portion nowadays of our collections budget) still allows for a 10% increases in publishers’ costs. Of course, there is a certain nervousness about the value of the New Zealand dollar later in the year when we pay our subscription renewals. The budget includes a sum for such a contingency, and the Finance Section of the Registry also purchases forward currency for us (mostly in US dollars these days). We will continue to monitor currency movements carefully during the year, but generally the 2006 capital grant is good news for the Library, and further action will need to be taken only of the dollar drops severely.

    At the end of 2005 we took advantage of the strong dollar to make some significant one-off purchases. For science, these included a further backfile for 1945-1969 of the Web of science (Science citation index). One further file is available (1900-1944), and a few libraries have now started to purchase. This is something we may consider in the future, if there is interest and if funding becomes available. We also purchased the archive of the Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau Indexes for 1920-1972 (to supplement our electronic file from 1973), so we now have to full set, and the printed indexes can be retired to the closed stack. Elsevier’s ScienceDirect database of full text journal articles covers issues from 1995. Over the past two years we have been buying the archives (back to the first issue of a title) for selective subject areas. In 2004 we bought the subject files for agriculture, biochemistry and molecular biology, and veterinary science. At the end of 2005 we were able to buy further subject backfiles for environmental sciences, mathematics and engineering. We have also purchased BioOne (a collection of 81 biological science titles from society publishers), with the life science developments at Albany particularly in mind, and made a major expansion of our holdings of the Nature research and review journals, so that now we have available (and electronically) all of these journals except the two drug trial titles in the Nature package.

    Rodski Survey
    In September 2005 the Library participated in the Rodski client satisfaction survey, and thank you to those who completed the online survey form. Rodski is an independent company, and the library survey has been completed by all of the Australian university libraries and 4 of the 8 New Zealand university libraries, so it is very useful for benchmarking, as well as for the individual results. We have over 200 pages of specific comments from Massey library users and we are working our way through these at the moment. The overall result was pleasing, with Rodski placing the library in the first quartile (top 25%) compared with the other libraries on their database. The greatest gap differential between expectation and performance was for library facilities and equipment. But in service quality, service delivery and library staff Massey ranked as well in the top 5 for the 15 Australasian university libraries who completed the survey in 2005.

    Digital repository trial
    In 2006, the Library will be trialling the ProQuest Digital Commons software, with some pilot projects for both digital theses and research papers, and making these available on the web. Three other New Zealand university libraries will also be trialling this software. This is the precursor to the eventual establishment of an institutional repository, which is a much larger project, and for which Massey is an international partner in the RUBRIC project with a number of Australian universities, and with Gerrit Bahlman, our ITS Director, as a Board member.

    John Redmayne

    University Librarian.

    Friday, January 27, 2006

    New Zealand Veterinary Journal Makes an Immediate Impact

    We have just learnt that the New Zealand Veterinary Journal has topped the Immediacy Index rankings for veterinary science journals in the latest Journal Citation Reports. The Immediacy Index counts the number of times articles from a journal are cited in the year in which they are published and is usually seen as a measure of both the topical relevance of a journal and of the extent of its readership within the relevant scientific community. The immediacy index of 0.78 means that on average 78% of NZVJ articles are cited in the year of publication. The immediacy index for all journals in the veterinary science category is 0.16.

    As well as having high immediacy NZVJ also has a long Cited Half-Life - half the articles cited in 2004 were more than ten years old - which suggests that over its lifetime it has published a considerable body of research of long-term relevance.

    Thursday, January 26, 2006

    Do Academic Libraries Have a Future?

    Will the traditional university library simply wither away after the ICT revolution or will it evolve from a lumbering print dinosaur to a nimble electronic bird? And do we really care? If you do, the latest issue of Educause Review contains an article by Jerry D. Campbell called "Changing a Cultural Icon: The Academic Library as a Virtual Destination" which is an excellent summary of current issues and trends.

    Tuesday, January 24, 2006

    Major New Source - ISI Proceedings

    Conference papers are an important channel of academic communication but they can be frustratingly difficult to find! From the beginning of 2006 Massey Library is able to offer access to the ISI Proceedings database which is part of the ISI Web of Knowledge suite. ISI Proceedings covers conference papers published in journals and book series as well separately published proceedings.

    It is searched using exactly the same protocols as Web of Science, CAB Abstracts and Current Contents. A really useful feature is the ability to search by Conference details so that if you remember that a conference on mechatronics was held in Boston you simply enter mechatronics and boston into the Conference field to see a list of papers.

    As with other Web of Knowledge databases you can link to the Massey Library catalogue by clicking on the Holdings button of an individual record. If the record does not have a Holdings button it is worth searching the Library catalogue separately - a keyword search using a number of words from the conference name and its location is a really effective way of doing this.

    Friday, January 20, 2006

    Pictures That Lie!

    A recent article in the Boston Globe with the title Techology seen abbetting manipulation of research reports that 1% of articles submitted to the Journal of Cell Biology contained images that had been manipulated to a degree that amounted to deliberate falsification. Fortunately the same technology that allows the fiddling to be done is also useful in detecting it.

    Friday, January 06, 2006

    Finding Journals in the Library

    Happy New Year!

    Life was simpler in the days when all of the Library's journals were shelved in one big sequence of printed volumes on the ground floor. Even if you were the sort of person who didn't like using catalogues you could see what was there and after a little time you got to know the holdings in your area pretty well. The advent of electronic access to journals has enormously increased our scientific journal holdings but at the cost of this simplicity. Electronic journals are usually part of a large publisher's package like Elesvier ScienceDirect or Blackwell Science, but they can also be embedded in "aggregator databases" like EBSCOhost and InfoTrac or they can be "one-offs" provided directly by small publishers. Sometimes we have access to the same journal through a number of these channels and the situation becomes complicated by the fact that the aggregators offer restricted access only to many of their titles, so that for example the last twelve months' issues will not be available.

    If you want to know whether you have access through the Library to a journal the simplest and quickest method is to do a journal search on the catalogue. If it is not listed then it is highly unlikely that we hold it and it is not necessary to search individually through our databases. Our policy is to include all instances where we have access to a journal in order to be able to fully exploit our spending and to ensure that if we lose access through one channel that the journal is still available to you through another. Sometimes this means that you will have to examine the record quite closely to ensure that the electronic link you are following will give you the year and volume you are after -

    Only in a very small number of cases are there journal titles available through the Library's subscriptions that are not listed as such on the catalogue - this is usually because of time delays in entering new packages. By all means get in touch with us if you think we should have access to a title that is not listed.