Monday, May 05, 2008

MasseyLink - Have your say

Back in January we told you about MasseyLink, the little icon that appears next to records on your database searches - by clicking on it you will often achieve a much more direct link to the article than by searching the library catalogue and even if you don't MasseyLink will automatically open the catalogue for you with details for the appropriate journal.

Our staff have been monitoring and fixing problems as they occur and so far progress has been pretty smooth. At the library we generally hear from you only when things don't work as they should, which is as it should be, but this time we would really like to hear from you if you have found MasseyLink useful or if you have suggestions of how it could be improved. If you have used MasseyLink please take a moment to email us with your reaction and ideas.

Bruce White

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography (CDSB)

This classic work is now available online in a new updated and expanded (26 volume) edition. The CDSB is an encyclopedic dictionary that offers comprehensive and authoritative articles on the life and achievements of many of the world's significant scientists. The articles have substantive cross referencing and bibliographies for further reading. Coverage is for individuals who have died.

The CDSB is an ideal starting point for the researcher requiring background information, and for biographical assignments and essays.

The CSDB can be searched via its homepage, or the Table of Contents page.

Other major references sources are listed on our Reference Resources pages.

Also . . . . . . check out our other encyclopedias from Elsevier and Wiley.