Friday, July 28, 2006

Reference Resource of the Month - Wiley Reference

Wiley InterScience is a publisher of many major science reference tools. The Library subscribes to some of these, which are listed below (in order of relevance):



  • Bailey's Industrial Oil and Fat Products
    The standard reference on the chemistry and processing technology of edible oils and fats as well as industrial and non-edible derivative products. Now in its 6th edition.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Web of Science Goes With Google

ISI have made a fundamental change to the way that Web of Knowledge (including Web of Science) databases search.

When using the Topic Search or Quick Search options, search terms are no longer automatically "phrase" searched, they are instead automatically "anded".
This is similar to the way that the Google search engines operate. If you enter a phrase it now searches for records containing all of the words in the phrase rather than only for those containing the phrase itself - quotation marks are necessary to force an exact phrase search.

For example, instead of entering fire blight AND zealand
you should now enter "fire blight" zealand

However if you wish to use OR to allow a choice of keywords it is necessary to enclose the ORed terms in brackets and to use AND -

"fire blight" AND (zealand or australia)

For more information see the help screens on Web of Knowledge, or contact your Liaison Librarian.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Library teaching and research consultations 2006 (Semester 2)

The beginning of semester is a very good time for grounding your students in the use of the library and information resources.

Library Seminars
If the Library has taught your students in the past please remember that you will need to reconfirm this soon. If you haven't made use of this service, we are able to take new bookings but will need time to prepare a session that will suit the specific needs of your paper. It is always a good idea to get in early to make sure that our Training Room is available at the time you want it. We are of course happy to come out to speak to students within lectures or tutorials as well.

Please contact:

Research Consultations
Postgraduate students and staff can also benefit from a one-on-one research consultation. We will outline the main information resources available to them and teach them the use of databases and electronic sources in detail, and also advice on managing references with EndNote. A research consultation can provide the basis for ongoing contact between a researcher and the Library over the course of their studies. A research consultation is especially useful at the beginning of their thesis or research project, before they have wasted a lot of time or fallen into bad habits!

Contact: Bruce, Chris, Valerie or Diana